Strategy Changes

Since August 2022, COOO TEAM has achieved a 110% return on investment in digital assets. Approximately 60% of the total profits come from the appreciation of long-term holdings in virtual currencies, while nearly 40% comes from investments in the NFT collectibles market. We employ meticulous modeling to estimate reasonable values for various mature NFT projects (with over a year in circulation). At opportune moments, we execute purchases through scripts at prices significantly below the floor price and resell, with individual transaction profit margins usually exceeding 5%.

Due to a significant security oversight, in late February 2024, a total of $2360.85 USD in assets was stolen by hackers. With Bitcoin reaching record highs, we have decided to retire gracefully, ceasing all investments in digital assets and discontinuing the development of the NFT project THAI. Instead, we will channel our passion into data analysis and generative art. Simultaneously, we will maintain our focus on the Crypto industry, with COOO LAB releasing industry research reports at the end of each quarter.

Our media platform (COOOTV), tools (COOO TOOLS), and research division (COOO LAB) form a simple yet rich product matrix. Over the past year, COOO TOOLS has launched five robots, providing thousands of users with tens of thousands of services. In the coming year, we will halt the development of Telegram tool bots and concentrate on the development of the sentiment monitoring system GREAT OPINION WALL. The core segment, COOO NEWS, of COOOTV is about to go live, and COOO LAB will explore more possibilities in the field of data science.


Bonus Announcement

Through ControlNet, we have redesigned our held MEGAMI NFTs, creating 1000 unique pieces to be distributed as feedback to users who provide constructive opinions on COOO TECH products in the future.

